Short Stories For Kids Printable : How The Wren Became King of All Birds In Ireland

This is a short story adapted from a Manx Folk Tale. This story tells how a wren can become the king of all birds in Ireland. The short story of how the wren became the king of all birds is very good to be told to young children. The goal is to form their personality and knowledge optimally. These short stories for children can also be printed as learning materials.

Short Stories For Kids

How The Wren Became King

Yet, which bird is the king of all the birds? Well here in Ireland we have a special little bird that has its very own story all. The story is called: 

How the Wren became the King of all birds in Ireland

Sometime in the distant past, some place in the west of Ireland there was a mysterious valley it was loaded with trees and near the ocean. Among the animals of Ireland it was known as the Valley of the Birds because it was there that all the birds in Ireland would meet at certain times of the year to discuss matters of importance and to figure out any issues they may have had. 

At one of these meetings the trees were covered with birds of all kinds. There were little birds like the robin red bosom and the tiny wren. There were medium sized birds like the chicken and the crow and there were big birds like the ocean gull and the brilliant eagle with his sharp paws and fierce eyes. 

The brilliant eagle said, 

"I have been watching the people and I saw that they have a king. I think we should have our own king" 

However, which bird should it be and how would they pick a King. The birds discussed the matter all day and late into the night. 

The robin said, 

"I should be King for the robin did an incredible courtesy for the Queen of the faeries and as a prize she gave us this fine red waistcoat to wear so all other birds could perceive how daring and faithful the robin is" 

"Pardon me" said the wren in a tiny little voice that none of the other birds could hear because of all the twittering and screeching that was going on. 

The crow said, 

"Caw'm off it, I should be king of the birds for the crow has followed the human and knows their methodologies. I likewise have the most beautiful dark feathers, Caw" 

"Pardon me" said the wren. 

The chicken said, 

"Bu yet I should be king for I lay eggs that the people have for breakfast. I live on their ranches so I likewise know their methodologies and I have the most beautiful feathers of various tones. Everybody loves me, so I should be king" 

"Pardon me" said the wren. 

The ocean gull said, 

"I guide the people when they go to the ocean; I show them where they can get fish and caution them of awful weather, they trust me. I should be king" 

"Pardon me" said the wren, 

The brilliant eagle said, 

"I am bigger and fiercer than any of you. I can see further and am more grounded and more intrepid, I can fly higher so I am your rightful king, you should pick me" 

"Pardon me" said the wren. 

The owl sat a little way off in the parts of a tree. He didn't utter a word however all the birds realized he was the wisest of all birds. 

"Allow us to request that the owl pick our king" cried the birds. 

The owl concurred and picked two swans to assist him with deciding and to go about as arbitrators. They additionally made the principles and ensured all the other birds in the competition obeyed them. No pushing, no scratching, such a thing. 

The owl then said, 

"We have decided that as we are animals of the air the bird that flies the highest should be our king". 

The wren said in a tiny little voice, 

"Indeed, indeed, the bird that flies the highest should be king" 

The owl took a gander at the wren, put his head aside and said, 

"Whooo Whoooo asked youuuuu" 

The wren contemplated internally, 

"The owl thinks he is the wisest of all birds yet I'm wiser than he is and I definitely realize which bird will fly highest". 

The owl said, 

"Presently youuuu all know the guidelines, they are very are simple, whoooooever flies the highest will be delegated king of all the birds in Ireland. Anybody discovered cheating will be immediately disqualified. Are there any questions"? 

The Eagle loosened up his wings, taken a gander at the owl and said, 

"Only one, where's my crown"? 

"What do you signify" screeched the magpie. "We haven't had the competition yet, how would you realize you are going to win"? 

"Obviously I'll win" said the eagle "I am the best bird in all of Ireland" 

"Well there is more to being king than being big and solid, to be a decent ruler you should be wise, kind and sensitive to others" said the magpie. 

"Close yer face" said the eagle, "I'm going to win so there". 

The owl went to all the other birds and said, 

"Are youuuu all prepared, fold your wings, prepared, consistent, GO" 

They all took off in a haze of feathers. They flew high over the earth, yet individually they became tired and needed to return to their homes. The owl and the swans watched and each idea they realized who might win, however they said nothing. The brilliant eagle beat his ground-breaking wings and rose higher and higher. Sooner or later he thought back and saw all the other birds far below him. 

"This is simple, they'll never get me, and I'm going to be delegated King of all the birds in Ireland" he thought, 

Extremely satisfied with himself he went higher and higher until he could go no further, 

"I've won; I'm the genuine king of all the birds in Ireland" 

He began to prepare to glide down to earth. All of a sudden he felt something moving in the feathers on his back and he heard a tiny little voice say, 

"Pardon me and bless your heart" 

The brilliant eagle investigated his shoulder and would you be able to think about what he saw? Indeed it was the tiny little wren. The wren bounced off his back, high up and fluttered his wings. He flew high over the eagle. The eagle was irate and tried to fold his wings again however at this point he was excessively tired. 

"Return, return, that is not fair, I'm the king of the birds" shrieked the eagle. 

In any case, the wren flew higher and higher. The eagle glided down to earth and shrieked in a furious voice, 

"That is not fair, tell the wren that he has cheated and it is not allowed" 

The wise old owl listened to the eagle, smiled and admired the tiny spot high above in the sky. The wren was coming down to earth. The owl whispered to the two swans. 

"Well" requested the eagle. 

"We have settled on our decision" said the owl to all the birds, 

"Being a king implies not exclusively being big and solid and amazing. It likewise implies being astute, thinking ahead and planning. The wren did not swindle he simply outwitted you. Hence we have decided that the wren will be king of all birds". 

That is the tale of how the tiny wren became the king of all birds and he has been the king of all birds in Ireland from that point forward As for the eagle, well he decided he didn't need anything more to do with things and went to live on a mountain top and that is the place where eagles live to this day.

Moral Of The Story

Through this short story of how the wren became king of all birds in Ireland, we can take a moral message that "no matter how strong you are, there will still be someone who is stronger than you. No matter how great you are, there will still be someone who is greater than you. Sometimes, something that is small, priceless and unattractive, is the thing of greatest value to you".

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